If you could trade with confidence would you find a minimum of 3 parts of a trading formula to keep you consistently doing so? Of course, who wouldn’t want to trade successfully with a proven formula. Imagine you had 3 parts of a trade formula to help you to do so, consider these your personal tips to success. 1) Try improving your reward-to-risk ratios by working on ratios all together. 2) Continue to work on your previous successful habits. 3) Find new ways to expand your skills. Adapt these 3 variables to your trade skills, and you will win big!
Key Takeaways:
- It is important to work on your ratios, having more wins in your portfolio than losses.
- If something is working stick with it.
- Never miss a change to expand your trading skills.
“Using trade journals and self-reflection, try to identify the strategies and behavioral patterns that help your forex trade performance. In other words, do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. Sometimes the simple acts of making less mistakes and promoting good trading habits can have a huge impact on your bottom line.”